NEWS Windpower Monthly Good international coverage of the wind business. WindStats Newsletter Articles plus loads of statistics on wind energy production in many parts of the world.
INNE SERWISY www O EN. WIATROWEJ Czesko - niemiecki serwis wiatrowy (CZ/D) Yes2wind A cooperation between WWF, Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth. The Wind Power Wind turbines and wind farm databases (FR/ENG)
Energy and Environmental Data (DK), makers of WindPro® Risoe National Laboratory (DK), makers of WAsP®
UCZELNIE, SZKOŁY, KURSY O EN. WIATROWEJ Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Courses in aerodynamics and aeroelasticity, a Ph.D. course in aerodynamics, and a M.Sc. in Wind Energy. Aalborg University, Denmark. Courses in wind turbines, power electronics, aerodynamics, and structural dynamics. EUREC European Master in Renewable Energy, including a course on wind energy.
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